Simplify the way You read News.

Download Tvoje Vesti on your mobile device to stay up-to-date with the latest news from your favorite sources.

About the app

This is how easy it is to use app

Add News sources

Add News sources you'd like to keep in touch with.

Customize your homescreen

Customize which categories you see on homescreen or let the app decide.

Download articles

Download articles to make
them available while you're offline.

Track Reading progress

Keep track of how far you've read
the article and continue reading at any time.

Read Distraction free articles

Enjoy reading extracted content from articles
with no distracting pop-ups and sidebars.

Customize look and feel

Tweak articles font and text size
to personalize your reading experience.

Articles without distractions

Experience distraction-free reading. Our app extracts the main content of articles, eliminating clutter and presenting you with clean, easy-to-read versions.

Customize text and background settings to create a reading environment that suits your personal preferences.

Organize News sources you'd like to read

Add popular sources - Select some of the frequently used
News sources to get started.

Add sources manually - You can manually add link to source you'd like to read and we'll try to find readable content for you.

Remove sources - If at any point you want to stop reading any of your sources, simply remove the source from the list.

Download Tvoje Vesti

Download Tvoje Vesti app to get started!